Back & Neck
Back & neck
We are often asked if we treat patients with back and neck issues. The answer is YES! We help manypatients reduce their pain symptoms, some of which may even be shooting down into their arms or legs.We also work to reduce stiffness and help patients regain their range of motion, so they can resumenormal daily activities, such as driving safely and/or picking up groceries. Our team at The Gait Centeralso treats more complex problems that include everything from spinal cord injury, disc pathology,stenosis and arthritis, post-surgery, to sprains and strains.
It is important to remember that gait is not simply the legs moving in space, but rather an integration ofthe legs, spine, arms, and head. There is a term, “the spinal engine,” that defines the mechanicalfunction of the spine to power human gait. So, you cannot fully recover gait without addressing spinalinjuries or limitations.
Our strong and focused manual approach to physical therapy, combined with our expertise andcommitment of your licensed therapist for your entire session, is what produces results. We won’t justlook at you as a back or neck injury, but instead as a human being with a “spinal engine,” that is notproperly running the human machine. We will address skeletal, muscular, neurologic, and biomechanicalconcerns needed to maximize the function of your engine.