Hunter Bogert, PT, DPT
Hunter completed his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Lynchburg in 2023. He did his undergraduate coursework, receiving a B.S. in Allied Health at Cedarville University in 2018. Hunter worked extensively with the amputee student involvement group during his time at the University of Lynchburg and went on to do his final clinical rotation in Phoenix, Arizona working primarily with amputees of all levels.
As a physical therapist at Lawrence Rehabilitation Specialists – The Gait Center, Hunter enjoys working with amputees, post-op, neurologic, and patients with complex orthopedic conditions. He has a growing interest in developing his manual therapy skills and has become FM1 certified through the IPA. His passion for helping the amputee population and interest in research around limb loss were a perfect match for the Mission Gait Foundation, where he works and volunteers in his free time. Hunter enjoys an active lifestyle of working out, running, hiking, fishing, and playing sports ranging from pickleball to winter snow skiing. Combining his personal interests with the desire to help others, he has even worked as a certified personal trainer for the YMCA.